Sunday, October 12, 2008


I started another blog. I realized, as I'm packing up some of my recipe books and supplies, that I need a way to keep all of my recipes in one place.

Here they are... The Cake Star Recipe...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Cake Retreat

Hi everyone,
Just want to share some good and bad news.

Good News- I'm going to be a new home owner!
Bad News- (Besides the economy...) I'm suspending my cake decorating for a little while.

I'm packing up the kitchen aid and moving into my new house.
I will get back to cake decorating as soon as I can.

In the mean time, check out my links on the right hand side of the page.
I just added It's pretty neat, check it out. I hope to never see one of my cakes on this site.

Another site that makes me laugh is

I'm looking forward to holiday baking again this year... Be sure to check back to enjoy my holiday creations.