Monday, December 3, 2007


This is my first cake from the Wilton Level One class, which I took at JoAnne's Fabrics in Springfield. The technique used was "tracing" a pattern and filling it in with Star Tip #16. I didn't like any of the pictures in the book so I brought a circle cookie cutter from home and used it to make an imprint on the cake. After the imprint, used icing thinned with Writing gel to outline. The gel really did make it easier to outline. The star was really easy to do, just need to keep even pressure. The hardest part was figuring out what consistency my white icing was. To start the cake, I made a crumb layer of icing, waited about 30 minutes and then icing my base layer of the cake. Waited an hour and then used parchment paper to smooth the creases as best my unskilled hand could do. I'm hoping I can perfect the perfectly smooth bottom layer some day...

Overall, not bad for my first cake.

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